I thought I would share something a little more personal on here as I seemed to get a lot of views sharing my university experience. Since I was a teen I have always been very insecure about my skin and facial features. I’d spend far too many mornings crying before school or leaving the house, saying I didn’t want to be seen. Yes I had make up to help me and hide things I didn't like the look of, but I could still see the texture coming through the makeup and it annoyed me. Also I just wanted to have cleaner skin like other girls in my school. I always got told that it would go when I got older, and yeah it did a little but definitely did not leave like I wanted it to. I have also been left with so many scars that my skin will now never be completely clear like I wished it would be.
I have been reading notes on a nervous planet by Matt haig. I 100% recommend the read if you haven't read it. There is a chapter all about unhappy beauties. About how this world has now been designed to make us all more insecure about our looks. With so many more means to change our appearance. There is also some many more platforms for us to have access to compare ourselves to other with beauty youtuber and Instagram. All about the likes right. When reading this book it made me realise the world of media has been trying to adapt and show case more range in types of people but there not much in main stream media about disliking your skin and spots. spot till are seen as something that shouldnt be on your face and if you have them you , you don’t clean your face. Well let me tell you I used a lot of things over the years to keep my skin clear and I still get spots. I cut unhealthy things out of my diet more months and still get them. I come to realise they are normal and some people just get them no better what they do. One thing I recommend is follow acne confident instagrams! It make you start to see the more realistic skin and no airbrushed skin !
1) stop looking in the mirror so closely, no one looks at your skin that closely but you. 2) All teenager and adults get bad skin and trust me yours could be a lot worse
3) it’s okay to feel insecure if you want to everyone feels insecure about something. Just because you're skinny and your friends tell you have nothing to worry about,you allowed to be insecure too . 4) STOP SCRATCHING ! Just going to make 20 year old you hate the scars you left her with !
5) Never get into the habitat of comparing yourself to other really pretty girls. (You still haven’t stopped doing that now so thanks for the most unhealthy addiction.)
6) Don’t start using apps and Snapchat filters to smooth your skin out ,you’re giving yourself an unrealistic goal.
I have stop scratching mostly (except on the odd event). The pill really helped clear up bad skin ,it is 100% hormonal. Therefore you’re also emotional so remember it’s not as bad as you feel. To stop with all the layers of skin care keep it and just keep it basic. Have no make up days to grow your confidence.
1) STOP LOOKING ON INSTAGRAM! It’s not real , people only post no make up pictures when they are feeling good and confident.
2) thinking people actually care about the look of your skin.
3)looking at girls in the street and wanting their skin you don’t know how much make up they are wearing and yes some people are blessed with amazing skin your just sadly not one of them !
I apologise that there are not any personal photos in this post, I would love to give some of my bad skin as a teen but deleted them all , plus there wasn’t many.